The What, Why, and Who of CSAs

CSAs (community supported agriculture) are when community members buy into a farmer’s season and then receive a weekly box of farm goods throughout that season.

CSAs are a way to connect producers with consumers in the community, cut out the middle path/grocery store, and allow community members to invest in local food.

In today’s world, it is nearly impossible to track where the food you are buying has been or where it came from. The peppers bought from a grocery store could have been picked weeks ago, when right down the street there are farmers who have a variety of peppers to choose from. Being a part of a local CSA is a great way to invest in local food and enjoy local food too.

Who can partake? Anyone! Our CSA boxes are perfect for a household with 1-2 individuals. You can love vegetables or be just starting on your vegetable journey.

Don’t want a CSA for yourself but know someone who does? Spread the word and/or consider sponsoring a family.

  • Head here for here or more information on CSAs in general

Is a CSA right for you?

YES if you…

  • are interested in investing in a local farm and local food

  • open to trying new vegetables or new varieties of familiar vegetables

  • are ready for a box of fresh vegetables every week

NO if you…

  • are interested in only a few types of vegetables

  • have an erratic schedule where consistent produce or consistent pickup/delivery isn’t right

  • aren’t interested in cultivating a local food community in this way (which is okay! There are other ways!)